Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

32323The Africans word meaning separation or segregation was called Apartheid. Apartheid was the racial policy brought about by the National Party government of South Africa in 1948. Everyone who wasn't considered whites didn't have the same rights as those who were white. That included black people,mixed, and Indians. African Americans weren't able to do a lot of things in Africa, their own country. They weren't able to vote, use many public facilities, including bathrooms and institutions until 1990. It was because these places were restricted to the use of one race only. Which was usually the whites. If you failed to follow these rules, then you would probably be killed if you were black.
22t2But there was this man that Africa considered a hero because of the results he brought to the table. His name was nelson Mandela. He helped them in the fight for freedom. He lived in the streets of South Africa were if you don't abide by the rules of apartheid you would be thrown in jail.He began as a leader in the African National Congress, but he was work to fight for freedom was cut short because he was sentenced to death. His trail is now seen as nothing more than a cruel and evil plan used by the white South African government to silence Nelson Mandela. Even though he was in jail for a few decades, the hope he left helped his people to fight against the struggle of Apartheid while he was gone. He was thanked for that and was given awards for it. Plus his people were so happy that they finally received freedom from apartheid

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