Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Film Lesson :" Night and Fog"

Between the two movies, i think that night AND fog was more of a powerful movie. I say this because it showed some graphic stuff. It was actually footage of what happen. So actually graphic footage would give a better message then a movie based on something that happened then. Because the footage would make you really understand. Like Night and fog , it showed the actual dead bodies. How the Jews were really treated. How hen you look at the dead bodies, you could see how the were deprived . You would see the body super skinny showing that they didn't have food. That their hair was basically bald because their hair was shaved off. Alot of the bodies were decapitated and just so sad looking. You would see the field of dead bodies because they had no more coal to burn them. I felt bad for the soldiers and others who had to see, smell, and to carry the dead bodies I just thank God i wasn't living at the time to see these horrible actions. I especially wouldnt want to be a Jew at the time!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Film Lesson: "Schindler's List"

Schindler's List showed a great deal on important information about the holocaust. It showed how barbaric and horrible the Nazis were. Especially to the Jews. They did the most cruel things to the jews. the drove them out of their homes. It was from their homes, to the ghetto, to the working camps, to the death camps. which was the last stage when they were losing the war. It showed how they divided the jews acording to gender and age. if your old enough to work, they would take you to work. if your old, a woman or a child, they would kill you off. They woman and childern ahd a same chance of living depending on the camp , but the old was killed regardless. The ones who died died from starvation , being shot, burned or gassed. No mercy was being shown.
Some of the most horrible , cruel things i saw was when the people were hiding in the town after the raid. When they thought they were safe then started to come out, only realizing that the Nazis were waiting for them. The soliders killed them in cold blood. With no mercy. They didnt care if you were young,old,man, child, woman, pretty or ugly. They killed you off regardless. They felt like it was the right thing to do and that it was their job. They thought of it as fun and amusing. The most powerful film out ofnthe two of them was night and fog. it had actual footage and showed the acutal terrors that happened. It made you feell like you were actually there.